
Cairo-Clock on Ubuntu 7.10

Cairo-Clock is an analog clock for your desktop which uses a compositing window manager like Compiz for fancy visual effects. It comes with many themes using scalable SVG graphics.

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Cairo-Clock has a few requirements:

An Ubuntu package, as well as packages for various other distros are available on the download page. The Ubuntu package listed was made for Ubuntu 7.04, but also works fine in 7.10.

Once the install is finished you can launch Cairo-Clock from the Applications->Accessories menu. If all you see is a white box, changing the size of the clock should fix it. To change settings, right mouse click on the clock and select Properties. Here you can set the size, theme, some general options, and the animation smoothness. If you want the clock to display in every workspace, check the Stick to every workspace box. Clicking and dragging on the clock changes its position on the screen.

A friend of mine had the idea to set his background as a picture of a grandfather clock and carefully place Cairo-Clock to make it work. This was the result:

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Want to start Cairo-Clock when you log in? Open System->Preferences->Sessions and add a new startup program with the command cairo-clock.

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