Installing Ubuntu 7.10
Today I installed Ubuntu 7.10 on two computers: my Dell Dimension 9200 and my friend’s Dell Inspiron 1520.
Dimension 9200
- The Nvidia driver in Ubuntu 7.04 was too old to support the video card. Ubuntu 7.10 was able to install the driver in the restricted manager.
- Compiz Fusion was enabled and works perfectly.
Inspiron 1520
- Previously, did not work without installing a driver for the Intel 965 graphics. Ubuntu 7.10 starts with the Intel driver running.
- However, Compiz fails to start. It seems to complain that the card is blacklisted. I though that Intel graphics were great for Compiz.
- Wireless was working out of the box.
- Suspend and hibernate work out of the box.
- Audio did not work. Following the instructions here fixed it.
- I like the default Compiz settings. I also noticed that the edge snapping works more like Metacity now, which is nice.
- I like how easy it is to switch Compiz on and off in the Appearance Preferences tool.
- The new Clearlooks theme looks awesome.
- Ubuntu’s new printing configuration tool made it much easier for me to connect to my networked printer.
- Metacity now supports 2d workspace layouts like Compiz.
It looks like Ubuntu has taken a big step forward in hardware support. Installing Ubuntu, especially on recent hardware, has gotten much easier.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. If I come across anything else I will add to my list.
Archived Comments
Paha Kani
Try this for the intel blacklist worries:
I have Intel 965 and that did the trick.
Nice to know that wireless works out-of-the-box on Dell 1520 with Gutsy! Thanks for sharing your experience :)